Final fantasy 6 a world reborn
Final fantasy 6 a world reborn

final fantasy 6 a world reborn

After a while she just blurted out the whole plan! I got to know the gal who brought us tea.

  • to Sabin before flipping a two-headed coin to determine the successor of Figaro.
  • We'll choose whatever path we want, without any regrets.
  • When spoken to on the airship in the World of Ruin.
  • final fantasy 6 a world reborn

  • If something were to happen to me, all the world's women would grieve!.
  • speaking to a Figaro Castle merchant who refuses to take money from the King.
  • Look, don't you have a family? Just shut up and take it.
  • He'd slit his momma's throat for a nickel!.
  • when asked if harboring a runaway girl from the Empire.
  • You see, there are more girls here than grains of sand out there.
  • to himself when Terra does not immediately fall for him.
  • explaining to Terra why he is helping her.
  • First of all, your beauty has captivated me! Second.
  • Dammit! Gotta to get to Narshe on the fly.
  • (In the Gameboy Advance, iOS and Android version)
  • Nuts! Gotta to get to Narshe on the fly.
  • Even if it was only a little, I doubted you.
  • to Celes in the ending, referring to his bandana.
  • You almost ate it trying to get that silly trinket!.
  • final fantasy 6 a world reborn

  • to Celes in the ending, saving her from falling.
  • Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with Kefka!.
  • Not a word of this to anyone, O Shrouded One.
  • These are a little large, but it'll do!.
  • It's a little tight, but the price was right.
  • Hey! Call me a treasure hunter, or I'll rip your lungs out!.
  • And please, don't let a lecherous young king, who shall remain nameless, near you!
  • I would say that guy is missing a few buttons.
  • When he is asked about his stealing of things.
  • to Terra in a mine shaft, after she admits she cannot remember anything.
  • I won't leave you until your memory returns!! By the way, this secret entrance might be useful some day.
  • to Arvis, when asked to help a mysterious girl.
  • !? This better not have anything to do with that Magitek-riding, Imperial witch!!!

    Final fantasy 6 a world reborn